Saturday, December 28, 2019

Native American Cultures And Societies - 1367 Words

Native American cultures and societies were without a doubt dynamic. Each society and their culture were comprised of various aspects including: creation stories, morals, beliefs and overall ways of living. Native Americans would base their beliefs on scientific, religious, or mythological studies. Unfortunately, with each society’s different style of living, it would lead to the demise of many tribes. External structural forces are circumstances that are beyond our control. It contains larger forces and institutions that one cannot personally stop. On the contrary, a historical agency is comprised of people who manifest history or history that people brought about. Throughout Native American societies, events occurred that shaped the†¦show more content†¦Women who were in the honored class were â€Å"skating on thin ice† being that their rank could go down if they were to marry a commoner. Commoners were most people and were known as peasants. Nonetheless, th eir ranking could go up if they marry a Noble or up. Iroquoians participated in frequent military campaigns. There were village leaders, but were not representative to the Iroquoians league. Someone who was a Sachem, was the local leader of that tribe, but they still had to get advice on major decisions. A person who was considered a Sagamore were a higher level leader. Positions were inherited in the Algonquin tribe. If one was not good at the job, they would get squeezed out of place. (Class notes, 9/21/2017) Wedlock kids were killed because they did not fit into the class structure. Babies were being donated and would be raised and trained as servants and guards. Men were often killed at battle and women and children would be sold as slaves. The common goal amongst various tribes and societies were to not get yourself killed. The secondary goal was to attain captivity of land and people. The Cherokees were located in the Appalachian. They lived in towns where there were two kinds of people, red people and white people. The red people were in charge of warfare, while the white were in charge of peace. If one beat the other three times in a row during battles, then the color that won, would take over that town. (Class notes, 9/21/2017) Clans alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Diversity And Culture Of The Native American Society1434 Words   |  6 Pageshappens when culture and the ways you know to be true are challenged by the ways of the world? The Native American people faced these, along with many other, challenges as Anglo-American society began to blossom and overtake the area. What challenges have the Dinà © faced while trying to remain true to their culture, yet reside in a non-native society? It what ways have these experiences altered their way of life for better or worse? 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Unmanned Aviation Vehicles And The Department Of Homeland...

Unmanned Aviation Vehicles in the Department of Homeland Security The Use of UAVs or Drones in DHS Unmanned Aviation Vehicles (UAV) or drones are formidable tools and in the wrong hands dangerous. They look like model airplanes that a child could fly around a park but it is a leading-edge, highly technical, UAV or as most commonly called, drones. Drones are the next defense against extremist, Mafia and gangs, but will their use in DHS affect our privacy and safety? Is it worth the risk? As human beings, we have always sought new knowledge and flying is the most desired knowledge we sought. In the United States, our history in the field of aviation originated with the Wright brothers in the early 1900s. The cumulation of the last one†¦show more content†¦Military and the C.I.A. have been actively using the Predator drones to detect and investigate areas of interest. Since 1995, Predator drones could stay airborne for numerous hours, they are able to surveille and capture images and then transmit the images back to the controller running the remote mission. For the time being that was enough to keep ahead of these foreign radicals. â€Å"The MQ-1B Predator is an armed, multi-mission, medium-altitude, long-endurance remotely piloted aircraft that is employed primarily as an intelligence-collection asset and secondarily against dynamic execution targets. Given its significant loiter time, wide-range sensors, multi-mode communications suite, and precision weapons, it provides a unique capability to perform strike, coordination and reconnaissance (SCAR) against high-value, fleeting, and time-sensitive targets.†(Command) But on September 11, 2001, the need for the drone’s mission changed. 9/11 became the catalyst to modify UAVs to hunt and kill, on this day, an Islamic extremist group, al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden targeted and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York City and attacked the White House, killing over 3,000 people. 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Purpose of this Weaponized drone is to be used by military services, drug task forces, police departments and other protection agencies. To be used as support or initial vehicle to disrupt, engage, or present presence of authority to control or engage disruptive crowd or enemy. Drone will mitigate the factors of injury and reduce damage to property. Weaponized Drone can accomplishRead MoreThe Wild, Engineering Technology ( 17509637 ) 9.7 ( 2014 )3767 Words   |  16 PagesAndrews, Crispin. Uavs In The Wild. Engineering Technology (17509637) 9.7 (2014): 33- 35. Academic Search Complete. Web. 30 July 2014. *June 3, 2014 South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) banned privately owned drones with cameras in South African airspace. They said the drones had to meet certain â€Å"requirements† which not one did *The next day, the Kenyan government banned privately owned drones with cameras. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

I felt like Teo Essay Example For Students

I felt like Teo Essay by Kevin RunionWe all remember that one shinning day in our lives, that daythat Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley tied the knot. Yet, we allsomehow knew that this relationship was never going to make it, and guesswhat folks, it didnt. Yes, Mr. Jacksons affair has been exposed, althoughwe are not allowed to release much of this information but we can say thatthis third party was a major Hollywood player. Michael claims that he was not actually having an affrair butmerely providing sexual favors in order to get a speedy production forthe sequel to his past smash hit movie The Moon Walker. Though, this extraparter denys this and says there has been an on going relationship sincebefore the hookup of Jackson and Presley. Are these aligations true? I thinkso. The devorce was made final late last week, now Michael has moved inPermanently to his large day care center complex, better known as Ive gotmy Hand on your Kid inc.. Though, there is no surprize there, Michael spendsmost of his time most of his time at the facility even though he serversno major function in the day care process (which is another mystery initself). Now another issue that should be raised due to all this hype is,does America find this behavior wrong? If we look back over our past andthink back to when a person might actually be punished for such behavior. Back in puritan times one might even be branded with a symbol for easyrecognition. Now your just acknowleged and forgotten, with no repercutionsof any kind. Is America drifting toward a sinning society? You decide.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Unhappy Event free essay sample

Whether you are persuading or arguing, presenting a particular point of view, summarizing the points of another text, evaluating, analyzing, investigating (researching a thesis or dissertation) or simply telling a story (narrating), the basic structure is always the same. It is a process and by recognizing the steps that are involved you will find that the essay will almost write itself – almost, that is, as long as you remain focused on the process. Essays are no different from any other document, letters or reports for example, in that they consist of an opening (an introduction), a middle (body) and a closing section (conclusion). First you need to decide on your topic and write down your main statement. Next, write an outline of the main points you want to cover and then, under each of the main points list the sub-points. Under the sub-points write down what you wish to say about those items. We will write a custom essay sample on Unhappy Event or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once you have done this, by looking at what you have written – from sub-points up through the main points, to the main statement – you will see that you have a clear and logical structure to your essay. Think of it as painting a picture. If you have followed the process, then at this stage filling in the details should happen easily and naturally. When your draft is completed, it is time to edit your work to maximize its impact and ensure that you have effectively expressed your thoughts. Read it through, revise and correct it where necessary. It is at this point that you will probably realize there are some problems – there always are, even the most professional writers need to edit their essays. You have done the research, explored the theme, and drafted your document, but it still reads like a series of points rather than the coherent and fluid paper you were hoping for. Maybe some sentences are awkward, word choices may not be the best, and transitions from one point to the next are a bit bumpy – and you have no idea how to edit an essay. Enter WordsRU Academic Editing! Our online essay editing and proofreading services will verify that your paper is free from grammatical, spelling, typographical and punctuation errors. . In addition to ensuring the final product is a grammatically correct essay, your essay editor will also fix the formatting, and provide suggestions to help you strengthen your key points, make effective word choices, and improve the overall impact, flow and continuity of your discussion. In short, we edit – you take the credit!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Rwandas Economic Development

Abstract Global competitiveness is important in identifying a country’s stage of development and what it requires to move on. This paper considers world economic forum’s indices for 2010/11, in which Rwanda, was ranked 80th even though it is in the first stage of development. The paper considers Rwanda’s economic developments along with factors that have improved its growth. ICT project has been identified as one of such factors. The paper explores ICT and its benefits to the country’s infrastructural development.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rwanda’s Economic Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Introduction The world is continually shifting in economic dynamics with the world economic forum emphasizing the need for a better world. To achieve this, they have been encouraging countries, especially those in developing world to focus on development projects that would i mprove their status and hence better the state of this world. Global financial crisis that was witnessed has played a major role in dragging back economies which had started making progress like India and Rwanda, among others. Achieving these objectives has been worsened by the aftermath of economic crisis, which trickled down to major economies like the United States and the rest. This has slowed major infrastructural developments as well as the focus on facing a looming global worming crisis. This paper will explore Rwanda, a country that has gone through turmoil ranging from internal conflict to economic difficulties but now stands stronger to emerge as a state a rapidly growing economy. Global economy Global economy concerns it self with the economic state of countries of the world. To achieve this, it considers the level of performance in businesses, societies as well as different governments of the world. They take it upon themselves to encourage and present challenging tasks to these groups along with charting ways of assisting them. Countries are encouraged to focus on sustainable economic development projects that would mitigate global risks, spearhead development of viable infrastructure, and enhance health services that are accessible to all, as well as transform themselves into formidable economic powers. In this regard, the World Economic Forum has strategically identified areas of great concern to countries and that require immediate attention to help spur economies into responsible capitalism. These areas include social development, health for all, economic growth, financial structures and environmental sustainability.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In dealing with the chosen areas of concern, specific objectives have been designed to spur each state of development. For instance in their quest for improved economic growth, the forum has chartered an objective of reshaping capitalism, promoting free flow of goods as well as people, rethink of infrastructural development as well as building and sustaining economic growth. Factors such as Food security, global warming and economic crisis have made it much difficult to have sustainable food supply. About one billion people are estimated to face food crisis and this does no go well with environmental sustainability. The forum for economic growth focuses on sustainable financial systems that are long term and of great benefit to countries; it therefore aims to strengthen financial systems and international monetary as well as ventures on mobile financing to help sustain lending. Among key goals of the forum are to create and sustain accessible health services, this they have tired to achieve by fostering partnerships, dialogue along with advocacy. The other factor is sustainable social development that would encourage business growth. These issues are evaluated yearly t o determine their levels of improvement or otherwise with each country rated based on their developments and prospects. The results are usually published on an annual Global Competitiveness report coving all emerging economies. These rankings began in 1979 and have since continued to spur improvement in economies. In this report countries are ranked based on their economic performance with each one placed on its most probable stage of development. 2010/11 report gave the highest number of countries occupying stage one, followed by stage 3, through stage 2, then to the transition between stages 1 and 2, and finally to the transition between stages 2 and 4. This shows how difficult it is for countries to transit from one stage to another and that it requires great focus. This paper consider Rwanda, a country rated to be in stage 1, but making great progress especially in ICT to achieve sustainability.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rwanda’s Economic Deve lopment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rwanda Rwanda is a tiny country in the east-central Africa and is surrounded by Uganda, Tanzania, Congo DRC as well as Burundi. It has a population of about 11.2 million according to the 2010 survey. Its population density is among the highest in the continent. It is a landlocked country and has a temperate climate with savanna being among the predominant vegetation. Its original inhabitants were the Twa, although they now make minority, with more predominant communities being the Hutu and Tutsi. Rwanda has undergone great turmoil that ranges from internal conflict to economic instability. The genocide, especially, led to widespread deaths, looting of businesses, destruction of infrastructure and drop in cash crop farming that had been the country’s main economic drive. Their GDP dropped drastically as the conflict worsened. About one million Tutsi and moderate Hutus are believed to have died in the genocide. Its ability to attract and sustain external and private investors was dealt a big blow. The GDP dropped to a record low of $390 during the conflict in 1994, but this has strengthened to $981according to 1998 results. The 2010/11Global competitiveness report showed a great improvement in Rwanda with its global competitive index at 4.00 and ranked 80th, above countries like Egypt. This is very encouraging given its initial economic state after the war. Its improvement was noted as this marked its first entrance into GCI (Global competitiveness index). This was mainly due to the strength of its institutions, which according to world economic forum are well-functioning. It has very low level of corruption and a very successful security that is conducive for business growth and investment (Transparency International 1). Rwanda’s efficient labor markets as well as improved financial markets have spurred its rapid growth. It has also shown very high innovative capacity which is quite surprising given its level of development (World Economic Forum 10-50).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the country faces several challenges that may peg its global competitiveness if not tackled as quickly as possible. These factors include its poor telephony and electricity infrastructure which has slowed its otherwise encouraging economic growth, Poor health service program for its work force which has ranked it 130th with a life expectancy of just 50 years. Other challenges include education in which very low number of enrolments into secondary schools and universities pose a bleak future as more influx of workforce is registered. To spur further growth, the country needs to major on improving these weaknesses so as to have sustainable growth that would move them through the stages of development. It is expected that with continued growth, Rwanda will move through several stages of development to enhance its global competitiveness (Infoplease 1). Development Projects in Rwanda Rwanda’s service sectors are right on their feet after a challenging period during the 20 00 recession. It ha s turned into the largest sector in Rwanda since 2010 and commands 43.6% of Rwanda’s economy. Perceived as one of the safest countries in Africa, its tourism sector has received a great boost. The largest earner of foreign exchange is Tourism, which has booted the service sector in the country. Rwanda’s infrastructure is another area that is growing rapidly. After the war, Rwanda received aid from countries such as United States, Japan as well as the European Union, which has enabled it to invest heavily on infrastructure beginning with road networks. Rwanda is progressing in its development of reliable infrastructures for electricity as well as telephony. However, the next level of growth that would make it more viable is none other than ICT infrastructure. This has been noted by the international community as well as their current president Paul Kagame, who has promised significant transformations to ICT infrastructure and development (Kagire 1). ICT Project According to Rwandan president, the best way to achieve socio-economic development in Rwanda is by developing ICT infrastructure throughout the country for easy access. In his statement, the president maintained that they can use available invention and innovations such as information technologies to move Rwanda thorough stages of economy. Through ICT projects, the country expects to observe improved creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, among others. The country recognized importance of information technology to their economic competitiveness. The Rwandan government has instituted several ICT projects throughout the country aimed at making access to information systems and technology easy. This has been boosted their partnership with the international community as well as private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to see to it that ICT development is a success (ACDI/VOCA 1). Rwanda has a vision to become a middle income country by 2020; this vision is heavily pegged on ICT development and technology. The country’s remote areas are still lagging behind in communication technology, but this is what the country is working to change. The country aims to move into the 21st century information system and technology systems. They are trying to achieve this by establishing more knowledge based ICT canters. Its ICT structures are still very weak with low tele-density, however the launch of two e-gov projects instituted in the country are steps towards ICT infrastructure development (ACDI/VOCA 1). E-gov Projects Rwandan government has established these projects with the main objective of improving service delivery to its citizen. They plan to use these projects as a way of reducing poverty through further improvements in internal governance. The government also uses ICT as an input for both transformation and development. In this regard, the government has developed an ICT policy and Strategy that is aimed at assisting Rwandan i nformation agency RITA to improve on standards. To achieve this, the government has instituted a strategic plan to train high ranking government officials on ICT and the internet, mid-level officials on telecommunications along with ICT and web information (Cannata 1-13). They have also started training of other government staffs on basic computer literacy such as internet and email, among others. Furthermore, the government has instituted an elaborate plan to hire and send at least 10 graduates annually to gain experience on current ICTY practices with the United Nations, NGOs among others, to develop an innovative culture. These projects have enhanced development of infrastructure which was noted as weak in the global competitiveness index. Improved ICT sector will definitely improve the country’s growth (World Economic Forum 10-50). Benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to Rwandan Economy ICT has led to development of infrastructure, which includes tel ephony, intranet, electricity and data link; this is expected to spur economic growth. Another benefit has been accessibility to tele-centers, computers and training, which has contributed to improved communication and knowledge for creativity and innovation (World Economic Forum 1). Summary World economic forum aims to better the state of this world. To do this, they encourage countries to improve their economies and assist them with innovative ideas as well as financial aid. To achieve economic sustainability, countries need to invest in their areas of concerns as much as they strengthen strong links. Every year the World economic forum ranks countries based on their stages of growth, Rwanda was ranked 80th for the first time on their entrance to global competitiveness and has challenged other countries that lag behind. Their institutions have been praised for functionality and their weak infrastructures are continually improving. Their focus on ICT to spur growth is already reapi ng benefits as communication networks improve leading to creativity and innovation. Electricity is slowly moving into remote areas as e-gov project take effect as well as NGOs and private sectors. Rwanda’s economy is therefore benefiting from ICT projects as they improve their status globally (World Economic Forum 10-50). Conclusion World economic forum strives to enhance economic growth that is sustainable by encouraging countries, businesses and the society on ways of improving social welfare and mitigating global risks, among others. Rwanda was ranked 80th in the latest global competitiveness index and are employing emphasis on ICT to move through stages of development. ICT has made great impacts in Rwanda’s communication network and education with further improvement expected. Works Cited ACDI/VOCA. â€Å"Information Communication Technology (ICT).† Web. Cannata, Arleen. â€Å"Report from the Field: Two e-gov Projects in Rwanda†. Worldb Web. Infoplease. â€Å"Rwanda: History, Governement, and Culture†. Web. Kagire, Edmund. â€Å"Rwanda: ICT Will Accelerate Development-Kagame†. The New Times. Web. Transparency International. â€Å"Corruption Perceptions Index 2010 Resultsâ€Å". Transparency international. Web. World Economic Forum. â€Å"Issues: World Economic Forum Issues†. World Economic Forum. Web. World Economic Forum. â€Å"WEF: Global Competitiveness Report 2010-11†. World Economic Forum. Web. This essay on Rwanda’s Economic Development was written and submitted by user Maddox Ramos to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Winston and Holmes Case Analysis Essays - Marketing, Distribution

Winston and Holmes Case Analysis Essays - Marketing, Distribution Winston and Holmes Case Analysis Bob Landau Decision(s) and Criteria Bob Landau is the president of Winston & Holmes (W&H), which is a company that sells luxury men's accessories and fine tobacco. In this article Bob is facing a crucial decision that would affect the financial stability of his company. Bob has to make the decision if he should expand the main location of his company in Yorkville to increase it to 2,500 square feet or keep it the same size. (pg.3) If Bob decide to expand his location he would have to make another decision on how to finance this expansion as well. For Bob to make these decision he would need to consider if the closing the store during the months October to the end of November is a profitable move since November to January contributes to 30% of annual sales .( pg.5) Also Bob will need to consider if the expansion will generate a higher profit to offset the new expense incurred from the expansion. This expansion would lead to higher overhead and if it doesn't increase the current number of sales it would result in negative income. Also the expansion has to be profitable enough for Bob to determine future management salary increase and bonus. C urrent state of the industry and Winston and Holmes's competitors Winston and Holmes (W&H) is mainly a niche industry of tobacco products, with some diversification of non-tobacco items, such as men's accessories (p.57). Since W&H have many product lines and more products being added, W&H competitors are companies with similar products. There are some competitors have attempted to copy W&H business, but failed to succeed (p.58). The reason is that W&H have an effective strategic plan that is continuously being monitored and updating their strategic plan to continue being a strong company and be ahead of the rest of the competitors (p.58). Also W&H have created uniqueness and excellent company image for their service and products, which is difficult for other companies to copy (p.58). 142875348615000-62865038036500NPV Calculation (Please See Appendix 1 for Data and Formulas used to find NPV) - For more details please refer to the excel spreadsheet (posted along with this document). 55245015684500 Pros and Cons of the Expansion There are some benefits with the expansion of Winston and Homes store to the Yorkville location. The first benefit for the business because of the expansion is that it will increase their sales figure in the future. According to the managers of the business their sales will increase by 45 to 60 percent in the future because of the expansion because of the high demand (PG 60). Another benefit for W&H from this expansion is that it will increase their revenue and profit. This is because of their expanding in the highest profitable area for their business. According to the managers of W&H, Yorkville location accounted for 58% of company overall sales (p.59). Achieving the maximum revenue and profit is very important for W&H because it will determine the survival in their business. This expansion will also increase the market share of W&H in the future. It will affect the market share in a positive away because now they can offer different products for different customer segments. At the same time they can use their excellent customer service to attract more target customers. This expansion will give W&H more space to store more inventory. This means the business can stock up more inventory and meet the customer demands on time. At the same the business can introduce more products since they have more floor space. Overall this expansion will benefit W&H in different ways such as sales growth, increase in revenue and profit, increase the market share and more space to store inventory. On the other hand there will be an increase in the total cost for the expansion, which makes W&H think twice about the expansion. First there will be more cost towards labor because they need to hire two full time and one part time staff member. This addition of labors will increase the total cost by $35,000 (p.60). Second there will be an increase in total advertising cost because the business has to put more ads about the expansion. This will

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Windows File System Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Windows File System Comparison - Essay Example The two main categories of file systems used by different Microsoft Windows operating systems are the File Allocation Table (FAT) and the New Technology File System (NTFS). There are different versions of FAT, which are FAT 12, FAT 16, and FAT 32; while for NTFS, there are NTFS or NTFS 4 and NTFS 5. These file systems have many characteristics in common which will be pointed out in the discussion below. The FAT file system is the one being used by Microsoft DOS and older versions of Microsoft Windows. In fact, any version of Windows can have FAT as its file system. When a volume is formatted and the FAT file system is used, a data structure is created by Windows which is used to record the data blocks on the hard drive that are allocated to each file in order for the files to be retrieved at a latter time. FAT is considered to be a simple file system which makes it an ideal file system format for most memory cards and floppy disks. FAT file system is suggested if the computer has two operating systems installed. FAT file system allows file sharing among different operating systems. That is one advantage of using FAT as the start-up partition even for newer computers that have the latest versions of Microsoft Windows. One of the major limitations of the FAT file system is its ability to handle large files and volumes. ... However, its maximum volume limit is 16 MB which is why this is only commonly used in floppy disks. FAT 16 This file system supports all versions of Microsoft operating systems but only allows a maximum volume size of 2 to 4 GB and maximum files of 65,536. The maximum size a file can have is also 2 GB. The standard FAT 16 version only allows 8 characters in the file name and 3 characters for the extension name; whereas with the extended version, it already allows up to 255 characters. FAT 32 The only operating systems that are supported by this file system are DOS 7.0, Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP. The volume size limit is increased to 32 GB for all operating systems, but in some cases, up to 2 TB. The maximum number of files that can be on a FAT 32 volume is 4,194,304 with a maximum file size of 4 GB less 2 bytes. New Technology File System (NTFS) As Yousef stated, the New Technology File System or NTFS is: An advanced file system that provides performance, security, reliability, and advanced features that are not found in any version of FAT. For example, NTFS guarantees volume consistency by using standard transaction logging and recovery techniques. If a system fails, NTFS uses its log file and checkpoint information to restore the consistency of the file system. In Windows 2000 and XP, NTFS also provides advanced features such as file and folder permissions, encryption, disk quotas, and compression. (2004) Both versions of NTFS have the maximum volume size limit of 2 TB but there is no limit to the number of files that can be stored in the volume, as well as to the file size. NTFS 4 or plain NTFS started with Windows NT 4.0 and can also support Windows 2000, XP and 2003 Server. NTFS 5 also has support for the same