Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Negative feedback mechanisms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negative feedback mechanisms - Essay Example What are the negative feedback mechanisms and why are they important to health.Answer: The negative feedback mechanisms of a living organism are the mechanisms that reduce or suppress the original stimulus, given the effector’s output.Thermoregulation, osmoregulation and glucoregulation are few examples of negative feedback mechanisms. The importance of negative feed back mechanisms is that they provide a negative feedback loop to keep conditions of a living organism within tolerable limits and to prevent it from a sudden severe changes.Negative feedback decreases the deviation from an ideal normal value, and is important in maintaining homeostasis. Most endocrine glands are under the control of negative feedback mechanisms (Scanlon & Sanders, 2003, pp. 8-11).Question # 2.i Explain what happens when an ATOM becomes an ION.Answer: Generally an atom has a neutral status due to the fact that the number of protons in the nucleolus are equal to the number of electrons revolving around that atom’s nucleus. Nevertheless some times it happens that due to some external factors an atom or a group of atoms undergoes either an efficiency or deficiency of one or more electrons hence a positive or negative charge appears on an atom. This positive or negative charge caring entity is termed as an ion. ii: Name two cations and two anions found in body fluids. Give the correct notation and name for each ion.... base balance. They also work as a counter flow for sodium's function in nerve transmission in a nerve net work and as an activator for several enzyme systems (Weber, 2007, para. 1-14). Question # 3.i. Briefly describe the three ways by which the bacterial infections are transmission. Answer: Bacteria are microorganisms that live everywhere in our environment. Like many other microorganisms, most of bacteria are pathogenic and are likely to cause disease. Given the right circumstances, they cause infection, such as when transmitted to an immunocompromised host. Bacterial infections are transmitted by following three ways (Introduction to Infection Prevention, n. d., pp. 6-7). 1. When the bacteria come in contact with bare skin. 2. When the bacteria come in contact with mucous membranes or no intact skin, 3. When the bacteria come in contact with normally sterile body sites ii. How could shaking out soiled bed-linen increase transmission of infectious diseases within a ward Answer: There have been few recent studies demonstrating a definitive association between the transmissions of infections diseases due to shaking out soiled bed-linen and the ventilation of buildings. There is strong and sufficient evidence to demonstrate the association between ventilation, air movements in buildings and the transmission/spread of infectious diseases such as measles, tuberculosis, chickenpox, influenza, smallpox and SARS. The transmission of infectious diseases occur due to fact that there a number of microorganism that can survive can multiply in within poor indoor air quality. Question # 4: Some bacteria produce bacterial endospores. Why does this makes infection control more

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Movie review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Movie Review Example The video further explains that the three groups; the Jews, Muslims and the Christians revere Jerusalem as a very holy city and they seek to protect this land and in doing this, they are likely to be at loggerheads with each other. This explains the strife in the region as the Jews and the other groups tussle for a claim to the possession of the city of Jerusalem (Israelis and Palestinians). The video explains that Judaism is the religious culture of the Jews as they have been practicing this religion in the city of Jerusalem for several centuries now and their religious affiliation with the city could be explained by their sacred temple in Jerusalem and this makes the city highly significant to the Jews. The Jews claim that Jerusalem has always been the central city of Israel, hence they lay their claim to the ownership of the city as they believe that it is their sovereign city. The Christians on their own part claim that the city of Jerusalem is where the the Temple Mount (Hara mesh=Sharif) is a very important sanctuary to the religion of Islam as they believe that it was from a rock on the site of Temple Mount that Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven and this explains the reason the Muslims believe that Jerusalem is sacred to them as they go there year after year not only to honor the prophet, but also to pray to Allah (God) as they are of the opinion that their prayers would easily get to heaven from the spot the holy prophet ascended to heaven, as some Muslims claim that it is the gateway to heaven. (b) It would be really difficult to make a decision on whether Jerusalem should be divided between the Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinians have a bulk of their population in the city of Jerusalem, while the Israelis equally have a large amount of their citizens in their city. The Israelis live in most parts of West Jerusalem, while the Palestinians live in most